In keeping with our Simplicity testimony we try to minimize the responsibilities and duties of those who aid in the operation of the Meeting. For example, we eschew fixed committees, with a few exceptions like a Buildings and Grounds committee.
To ease the responsibilities of that committee, we have a white board in the Meetinghouse where friends can post tasks or duties that need to be done, and then friends can pick a task to accomplish.
There are a few fixed positions required in any Quaker Meeting, and those are summarized below:
Meeting Clerk
The Clerk is the servant of the Meeting for the execution of its business affairs, convening
regular or specially called Meetings for Business, guiding deliberations, and carrying
out the Meeting’s instructions for actions between business sessions. Click on the PDF to the right for more specific instructions for Midlothian Meeting.​
Picks up and deposits all donations into the bank. Maintains a record of all financial activity. Reports at Meeting for Discernment on financial information, including how donations meetup with the Meeting Budget.

Manages Meeting library. Sets up a process for friends to checkout and return borrowed books. Maintains the bookshelves in good order. Purchases any new possible books or subscriptions recommended by Friends. Hangs on the library walls featured information and pictures.

Sanctuary and immigration Coordinator
Provides information to Friends regarding the status of immigrants seeking asylum or help; arranges transportation, financial and information for immigrants who need assistance. Interfaces with immigrant support agencies and charities on behalf of MFM.
Environmentally Study Group Coordinator
Provides information to Friends regarding the health of the environment; arranges environmental activities for Friends to participate in locally; interfaces with other environmental support agencies and charities on behalf of MFM.
Archives items related to MFM's history, including the names of persons whose cremains have been buried or scattered in the Memorial group or meetinghouse grounds

Representative to Friends Committee on National Legislation
Serves as the MFM liaison to the Friends Committee on National Legislation
Spices for Life, inc. board of directors
Govern the operation of this legally independent charity. It explores fun and interesting ways to acquaint the community with the Quaker Testimonies; and then determines effective mechanisms/tools to carry out this mission

Financial Stewardship Committee
Composed of the Trustees, Clerk of Meeting, and the Treasurer. Determines the yearly MFM budget, arranges financial contracts when needed; maintains the long term financial plan, documentation, and records

The Quaker Thrift Store, inc. Board of Directors
Governs the operation of two legally independent charities: the Thrifty Quaker and Friend$hare, both of which provided financial funds to MFM so it can provide grants to charities and individuals
Youth Coordinator for Religious Education and special youth events and programs
Coordinates the whole MFM Youth program after receiving input from the RE teachers, parents, and children. Facilitates special youth event and programs once they have conceived. Serves as the point of contact between MFM and BYM in regards to youth programs
Racial Justice Study Group Coordinator
Arranges occasions for Friends to increase racial justice through a greater awareness of issues, experiences, and feelings. The goal is to promote racial justice in our community and our nation.

Emergency Coordination Committee
Called together by the Clerk of Meeting in the event of an emergency in order to determine a response. Advice by other friends may be sought. A course of action will be brought by the committee to Meeting for discernment. However, this committee is authorized to make in conjunction with the Building and Grounds committee emergency repairs as needed and then reporting back to Meeting.