Construction of our Meetinghouse and Universal Access
Serious efforts to obtain a permanent home for Midlothian Friends Meeting first began in 2000, after the move to Stony Point school in 1999. Once funds were raised to make a down-payment on a permanent home, we found the Preservation Road site, which was then occupied by a small family but seemed uniquely qualified to be a meetinghouse. The property was purchased in October 2002 for $114,00 using loans from another Quaker meeting, Homewood Friends.
Work then began on turning the house into a meetinghouse. "Way opened" for the Meeting to make slow but progressive additions and renovations:
In 2005 a separate RE building was built with a grant from Friends General Conference (FGC). A concrete walkway and deck connects the building to the meetinghouse front door.
The developer of the Preserve neighborhood gifted us another two acres and a large parking lot in 2006, giving us four acres nestled at the front of the 100 acre Preserve development.
Another grant from Friends General Conference (FGC) was instrumental in a universal access project, completed in 2015. A concrete pad was built about 5' out from the house, at a height that allows a wheelchair or walker to enter without a barrier. A concrete walkway was then built directly from the parking lot to the concrete pad in front of the building. (Note: the building is universally accessible on the first floor, and plans are being made to add an outside ramp to the second floor)
After building the concrete pad in front of the meetinghouse, we built a roof over it, and attached it to the current building, creating a porch that gives us more space for assembly outside. The front porch is where we hold our Ice Cream Socials.